Olemisen Balanssia

About Us
As Olemisen Balanssia; we are a research-based entity and conducting research and development studies in the fields of formal education, trainings, establishing national and international networks, combining theoretical and methodological studies with real-life field studies.
Our aim is to be an independent and research-based nonprofit entity that contributes to the structural transformation in education for the development of the child and society by creating a common mind from qualified data, constructive dialogue and different opinions.
The main focus of our work is the definition of educational needs, with activities focussed on data collection, structured research, and constructive dialogue. Inspired by the Finnish educational model, we prioritise social-emotional learning alongside cutting-edge educational technologies. We believe that everyone should be prepared for today’s workforce and understand the complex world in which we live and so we need to raise standards, providing a solid education in science, mathematics, and technology and developing the transversal skills to work collaboratively and creatively with others.
True to our roots, we complement our research work with a strong program of inter-cultural integration and exchange activities, and entrepreneurship projects helping people in difficult circumstances (young mothers, immigrants, NEETS etc.) to continue learning, with a view to long term reductions in unemployment and improved integration.
Defining Educational needs is an essential part of our work. To be prepared for today’s workforce, informed about important issues, and able to understand the complex world in which we live, all of us must have a solid education in science, mathematics, and technology. Therefore Olemisen pays special attention based on education. We are striving to promote
*Researching and offering specialized content development
*Cognitive and Experimental Learning Process
*Techno-Pedagogical Content Knowledge-TPACK
*Qualification and Recognition of Learning Outcomes