Keilir Academy





Keilir is an educational center founded in 2007. The center runs four schools: The University Center, Iceland Aviation Academy, the Health Academy, and the Secondary School. It also houses a variety of development centers: Eldey - entrepreneurial center, the Innovation Academy of Tourism, the Icelandic Aviation Cluster, the Flipped Learning Center, and the podcast network Hlaðborð. The purpose of Keilir is to create and disseminate knowledge in an active partnership with domestic and international schools, companies, and other economic partners. It is located in Reykjanesbær on the Southern Peninsula of Iceland, about 45-minutes from Iceland’s capital, Reykjavík. The school has become a frontrunner in reinventing educational practices and possibilities within the Icelandic educational system through innovative educational approaches and bringing together business, industry, academia, and entrepreneurs.

Keilir er miðstöð vísinda, fræða og atvinnulífs og er í eigu ríkis, sveitarfélaga á Suðurnesjum og verkalýðsfélaga. Skólinn var stofnaður árið 2007 með það að markmiði að byggja upp námsmannasamfélag á Suðurnesjum þar sem boðið er upp á vandað nám með áherslu á nýstárlega kennsluhætti og fyrsta flokks aðstöðu. Keilir og skólar hennar eru smá í sniðum og sérhæfð, með áherslu og persónulega þjónustu við nemendur, fræðasamfélag og atvinnulíf. Frá upphafi hafa rúmlega fjögur þúsund nemenda útskrifast frá skólum Keilis og fer þeim ört fjölgandi. Undir regnhlíf hans starfa fjórir skólar: Flugakademía Íslands, Háskólabrú, Heilsuakademían og Menntaskólinn á Ásbrú.

The Keilir Academy Team for the GO Remote Project

Our Team

Giving a warm Welcome

Arnbjörn Ólafsson
Arnbjörn ÓlafssonProject Manager
Arnbjorn Olafsson is Project Manager for International Development Projects at Keilir Academy. Arnbjorn has an extensive experience in managing and cooperating in transnational projects. He has an extensive experience in international cooperation with institutions, networks and projects, especially within North America, the EU and Nordic countries. He's participated in and managed numerous international projects over the span of 25 years.
Magdalena Maria Poslednik
Magdalena Maria PoslednikProject Manager
Magdalena is a Project Manager for International Projects at Keilir Academy focusing on educational development and tourism.